Get a Library Account
Start by choosing either an all-access card or an online library eCard. If you already have a physical King County Library System card, you have an all-access account.
Not sure which is the right card for you? See below.
All-Access Library Card
Available to King County residents and property owners and Seattle residents.
If you live or own property in Yarrow Point or Hunts Point, you can't get an All-Access card.
If you live or own property in reciprocal library communities, you may also apply.
With your all-access library card, you can:
- Apply online and get your library card in the mail or in person.
- Check out print books, magazines, CDs, and DVDs from the library.
- Use the online library of eBooks, magazines, films, and music.
- Access online learning, classes, tutorials, language lessons, test prep, and certification.
- Search databases, do research and find business and investment information.
If you already have a physical King County Library System card, you have an all-access account.
You can activate your all-access library card in person at a library during normal open hours. You will need proof of address and photo ID that shows your date of birth. You'll receive instructions to complete the process when you get your card in the mail.
(If you are unable to access a community library in person, you may provide verification via email. Please reach out to your preferred library for details.)

Online Library eCard
Available to King County residents and property owners, except those listed below.
If you live or own property in Seattle, Yarrow Point, or Hunts Point, you can’t get an eCard. (If you live in Seattle, you can get an All-Access Library Card.) If you live in a library district with a reciprocal agreement with KCLS you may apply for a KCLS all-access library card instead.
With your library eCard, you can:
- Apply and confirm online.
- Use your eCard account immediately.
- Use the online library of eBooks, magazines, films, and music.
- Access online classes, tutorials, language lessons, test prep, and certification.
- Search databases, do research and find business and investment information.
Do you already have an eCard? Would you like to be able to check out physical materials? Ask us about how to change your account to an All-Access account.
Your new library eCard account number and PIN arrives by email right after you apply. Don’t see a message? Please Iook in your spam or clutter folder.
In about 10 days, you will also receive a confirmation number by regular mail. You will need to go to our account confirmation page. Then, enter the number from the letter to confirm your account.

Frequently Asked Questions
If your application was within the 60 days, call Ask KCLS or any library for help. You will need to provide:
- your confirmation code from the letter we sent you
- your full name
- the address from your application, and
- your phone number.
Staff will be able to confirm your account. Every time you use your eCard, your account will be renewed for two years.
The letter takes a week to 10 days to arrive. If you don’t receive the letter within 14 days, please contact Ask KCLS or any KCLS library for help.
If you waited more than 60 days to confirm your eCard account, you must reapply. You will receive a new account number and a new confirmation number. We cannot recover your old number or activate your old holds associated with your old library card number.
Apply online.
Or, apply in person at the library. Bring photo ID and proof of your address.
What documents do I need to show to get a library account?
Find locations and open hours.
Versión en español: ¿Cómo obtengo una tarjeta de la biblioteca?
Try the last four digits of your phone number. If you haven't set up a PIN/password, it defaults to the last four digits of the phone number in your library account.
If that doesn't work, reset your PIN/password using your library card number. Or, show photo ID to staff at the library.
eCards are available to King County residents and property owners, outside of Seattle, Yarrow Point, and Hunts Point.
Residents of reciprocal library systems can get a card that normally needs to be activated in person. Apply online for an all-access card. You can activate your card in person at any of our libraries. You will need proof of address and photo ID that shows your date of birth. You'll receive instructions to complete the process when you get your card in the mail.
If you are unable to access a community library in person, you may email images of your
- photo ID,
- proof of address, and
- a photo of yourself holding at least one of the documents.
Please reach out to your preferred library for details.
Library cards are available to anyone who lives or owns property in:
- An area served by the King County Library System.*
- The service area of another library system that has a Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement with us.
*Our service area includes all of King County except for Seattle, Yarrow Point, and Hunts Point.
Find out who is eligible and what you need to verify eligibility in the chart below. Not sure if you're eligible? Contact us to find out.
If you: then you are eligible for: and you must provide: Live in our service area* All-Access Library Card or eCard For an All-Access Library Card: For an eCard:
- Valid email address.
- Physical address within our service area* where you receive mail.
Own property in but don't live in our service area*
Are married to someone who owns property in but doesn't live in our service area*
Are younger than 18 and your parent or guardian owns property in our service area*
All-Access Library Card or eCard For an All-Access Library Card: - Proof of address.
- Photo ID that shows your date of birth.
- Proof of property ownership. The property owner will need to verify ownership from time to time to keep your card active.
For an eCard:
- Valid email address.
- Physical address within our service area* where you receive mail.
- Proof of property ownership. The property owner will need to verify ownership from time to time to keep your card active.
Live in the service area of a library we have an agreement with All-Access Library Card Own property in the service area of a library we have an agreement with
Are married to someone who owns property in the service area of a library we have an agreement with
Are younger than 18 and your parent or guardian owns property in the service area of a library we have an agreement with
All-Access Library Card - Proof of address.
- Photo ID that shows your date of birth.
- Proof of property ownership. The property owner will need to verify ownership from time to time to keep your card active.
Are living in our service area* temporarily (longer than one month but less than six months) All-Access Library Card with limited checkout - Photo ID that shows your date of birth.
- Permanent residence address.
- Local temporary address.
Don't have a residence All-Access Library Card with limited checkout - Photo ID that shows your date of birth.
- A mailing address or phone number.
Don't have photo ID PC Only card - Whatever contact information you have. Examples: a mailing address or phone number.
Don't live or own property in our service area* or the service area of a library we have an agreement with PC Only card Versión en español: ¿Cómo obtengo una tarjeta de la biblioteca?