ABCmouse Databases
Have fun with thousands of activities. For kids in preschool to second grade, ABCmouse makes learning easy!
Have fun with thousands of activities. For kids in preschool to second grade, ABCmouse makes learning easy!
Build a love of reading and learning in your pre-K-3 young readers. Watch classic video storybooks paired with related nonfiction eBooks, including some in Spanish. Click the apple and book icon in the top right corner for the Help tab.
Get one-on-one, real-time tutoring from 1pm to 11pm daily. Get writing help. For students in grades K-12, college, and adult learners. Available via chat and audio.
View our frequently asked questions for:
You don't need a Brainfuse account to get help from a tutor. Log in with your library account to connect to a live tutoring session or browse the SkillSurfer. Create a free Brainfuse account to save your sessions or use other features such as Writing Lab. Read our Brainfuse account FAQ for details.
Brainfuse cannot help you retrieve your PIN. If you forgot your PIN you must contact a library or Ask KCLS for help.
Obtenga tutoría individual en tiempo real de 1pm a 11pm todos los días. Obtenga ayuda para escribir. Para estudiantes en los grados K-12, universitarios y adultos. Disponible a través de chat y audio.
Vea nuestras preguntas frecuentes para:
No necesitas una cuenta de Brainfuse para recibir ayuda de un tutor. Inicia una sesión con tu cuenta de la biblioteca para conectarte a una sesión de tutoría en vivo o navegar por SkillSurfer. Crea una cuenta de Brainfuse gratuita para guardar tus sesiones o utilizar otras funciones como Writing Lab. Lee nuestro Brainfuse account FAQ para más detalles.
Brainfuse no puede ayudarlo a recuperar su PIN. Si olvidó su PIN, debe comunicarse con una biblioteca o solicitar ayuda a KCLS.
Find accurate information to help you complete school assignments or explore your interests. Read or listen to articles at a reading level that is right for you. Get articles, images, definitions, and websites from trusted sources.
Explore the details of daily life around the world from pre-history to today. Learn through articles, maps, charts, and primary documents. Engage your students with lesson plans.
Get biographical information that you can rely on for your next paper or project. Connect with accurate and engaging articles, videos, audio, and images. Complete your research with ease on any device.
Watch a streaming collection of age-appropriate films and TV series selected for kids. Finding the right video is easy using Common Sense Media ratings. Titles selected help children to develop empathy, mindfulness, and self-esteem. Set up a personalized PIN to keep your kids inside Kanopy Kids.
Learn about science with hands-on activities for children in grades 2-5. Some activities require adult help.
Read free bilingual (Spanish) eBooks for ages 0-5. Find early literacy activities.
Discover authentic children's and teen books and comics in Spanish from Latin America. Access MakeMake 24/7 with your library card and save your favorite books with no limits.
Descubre auténticas libros y cómics en español proveniente de América Latina. Accede a MakeMake 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana con la tarjeta de la biblioteca y marca tus libros favoritos sin límites.
Find your next reading recommendation. Get read-alikes, books that are similar to another book you like. Research an author or book. Explore themed book lists. Get discussion guides for your book group. Read articles about books and authors.
Connect to homework help and resources online! Students in grades K-12 can work with a tutor or find recharge activities, language and reading support. Connect to Zoom online using your computer, tablet or smartphone. Or, dial in using a home phone or smartphone.
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BiblioWeb: webapp07 Version 4.25.1 Last updated 2025/02/13 09:35