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Audie Awards for Audiobooks
New and Interesting Audiobooks: March
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Get Access to the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library
OverDrive Desktop App and MP3 Support Ends on November 13
Get Access to the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library
OverDrive Desktop App and MP3 Support Ends on November 13
Frequently Asked Questions
Checkouts and Holds
A full-access King County Library System (KCLS) library card in good standing may borrow:
All items except downloads Maximum of 100 items OverDrive eBooks and downloadable audiobooks 25 items OverDrive magazines No checkout limits hoopla digital music, movies, TV, and comics 10 items per month Kanopy streaming movies 10 tickets per month. No holds. Learn more about Kanopy tickets. KCLS is not responsible for damage to equipment that occurs while using library-owned material.
Patrons who have reached the maximum number of physical checkouts are not able to log in or borrow items from OverDrive or hoopla.
Versión en español:¿Cuántos artículos me puedo llevar prestados?
Books CDs
Most videodiscs (DVDs and Blu-rays), except feature films
28 days OverDrive: - eBooks
- downloadable audiobooks
- magazines
hoopla digital comics
21 days Magazines
Feature film videodiscs (DVDs and Blu-rays)
hoopla digital music7 days hoopla digital video 3 days (72 hours) Kanopy digital video
3-7 days (72-168 hours), depending on the film Most Media Equipment (use in library only) 1 day Versión en español ¿Cuánto tiempo puedo conservar los préstamos?
Yes, you can. You'll need to check out your items at Self-Check-Out and choose the email receipt option.
At the moment, emailed receipts are only available at Self-Check-Out. If staff check out items for you at the Check Out desk, you'll get a printed receipt. An emailed receipt will be available at the Check Out desk soon.
No. Magazines do not count toward checkout limits.
Yes, you can add new interlibrary loan requests using our "Request an Item" form.
Find a link to the form on our website. You no longer need to log in to your online catalog account. Instead, go to the "Books and More" menu at the top of our site. Under "Services," choose "Request Items for Purchase or Interlibrary Loan."
If you’re using our app, find a link to the new form on the app home screen. Find the "Request items for Purchase or Interlibrary Loan" link under "Explore Further."
Or, find the new link under "Settings". First, select "Share Feedback," then navigate to the "Contact your library directly" section. Then use the link to "Request Items for Purchase or Interlibrary Loan."

OverDrive Downloadable Audiobooks
No. OverDrive no longer supports the MP3 digital audio format.
MP3 audiobooks could only be played in the OverDrive desktop app for Windows and Mac. OverDrive discontinued the OverDrive desktop app in February 2022. This caused confusion for people who would check out MP3s but could not download or play them.
You can listen to downloadable audiobooks in the following ways:
- In the Libby app on a mobile device.
- Stream on a computer using the “Listen now in browser” format on our OverDrive website.
- Stream on a computer using
- Download for offline listening using Libby on a supported device. (Check this list of supported Android, iOS, or Amazon Fire devices.)
The checkout process varies by device.
Don’t see your device listed here? Please visit the OverDrive help site, opens a new window for more instructions or contact Ask KCLS for help.
eBook and audiobook rights are subject to separate publishing agreements that do not always match the print publishing agreements.