A-Z Resources


Ancestry Library Edition Databases Library Card Required.

Search billions of records to discover your family story. Discover the meaning and history behind your last name. Build your family tree. Connect with the past in the world's largest collection of online records. 


  • U.S. Federal Census from 1790
  • American Genealogical Biographical Index
Found In: Available for in-library use only

Art Project

Interactive museum tours, views of masterworks at brushstroke level detail, and tools to share your own collection online.


Brainfuse Free Online Tutoring Databases Education and Training Library Card Required.

Get one-on-one, real-time tutoring from 1pm to 11pm daily. Get writing help. For students in grades K-12, college, and adult learners. Available via chat and audio.

View our frequently asked questions for:

  • a list of session limits and
  • subjects you can get help with.

You don't need a Brainfuse account to get help from a tutor. Log in with your library account to connect to a live tutoring session or browse the SkillSurfer. Create a free Brainfuse account to save your sessions or use other features such as Writing Lab. Read our Brainfuse account FAQ for details.

Brainfuse cannot help you retrieve your PIN. If you forgot your PIN you must contact a library or Ask KCLS for help.

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Brainfuse tutoría gratuita en línea Databases Education and Training Library Card Required.

Obtenga tutoría individual en tiempo real de 1pm a 11pm todos los días. Obtenga ayuda para escribir. Para estudiantes en los grados K-12, universitarios y adultos. Disponible a través de chat y audio.

Vea nuestras preguntas frecuentes para:

  • una lista de límites de sesión y
  • temas con los que puede obtener ayuda.

No necesitas una cuenta de Brainfuse para recibir ayuda de un tutor. Inicia una sesión con tu cuenta de la biblioteca para conectarte a una sesión de tutoría en vivo o navegar por SkillSurfer. Crea una cuenta de Brainfuse gratuita para guardar tus sesiones o utilizar otras funciones como Writing Lab. Lee nuestro Brainfuse account FAQ para más detalles.

Brainfuse no puede ayudarlo a recuperar su PIN. Si olvidó su PIN, debe comunicarse con una biblioteca o solicitar ayuda a KCLS.

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Career Online High School Databases Education and Training

Earn an accredited high school diploma. Gain real-world career skills to prepare for your first job or advance in your current job.

Choose a major from one of these career fields. Complete coursework to develop the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for.

Find out how to enroll.

You must live or own property in our service area to use Career Online High School. Our service area includes all of King County except for Seattle, Yarrow Point, and Hunts Point.

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ChiltonLibrary.com Databases Library Card Required.

Save money by learning how to fix and maintain your car. Get step-by-step instructions specific to your year, make, and model.


  • maintenance tables
  • repair instructions
  • labor estimating tool
  • technical service bulletins
  • vacuum and wiring diagrams
  • Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) practice tests
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Cyndi’s List

Comprehensive listing of genealogical resources containing links to ethnic group sources, how-to articles, country/geography resources, and more than 200 other categories.

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Data Axle Reference Solutions (Formerly ReferenceUSA) Databases Library Card Required.

Create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis, locate people, and search for jobs. Get accurate company and residential data for the U.S. and Canada.


  • business listings (U.S. and Canada)
  • residential listings (U.S.)
  • job and internship searches from Indeed.com (U.S.)
  • historical businesses (U.S.)
  • new movers/homeowners list from U.S. Consumers & Lifestyles (U.S.)

Download up to 250 records at a time.

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Driving Tests Databases Education and Training

Get ready for the Washington State Driver’s License test. Access online practice tests and the official Washington State Driver’s Manual. Commercial Driver’s License materials and the Washington Motorcycle Handbook are also available. Tests are in English, Russian, and Spanish. An audio version of the manual is also available in English.

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FamilySearch Databases

Historical records, including many with digitized images. Find tips and resources using the Research Wiki. Free account registration is required. No library card number or pin is needed.

  • save and share your family tree
  • order microfilmed records to view in a local Family History Library
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Foundation Directory Online (FDO) Professional Databases Library Card Required.

For fundraisers and grant writers seeking information. Research millions of nonprofit grants, grant maker, and grant recipient profiles. Find information about key decision-makers and leaders.  

Need help using FDO?
To make an online or in-person appointment with a librarian at the Redmond Library or Federal Way Library:

Email Kirsten Erickson at krerickson@kcls.org

Found In: is in branchOnly available at Redmond Library and Federal Way Library


Gale OneFile: News Databases Library Card Required.

Access major U.S. and international newspapers online. Search articles by title, headline, date, or other fields.


HeinOnline Social Justice Suite Databases Library Card Required.

Discover HeinOnline's special collection of research databases. Free access to libraries includes periodicals, government documents, international resources, and case law.

Databases included:

  • Civil Rights and Social Justice
  • Slavery in America and the World
  • LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Gun Regulation and Legislation in America
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Kanopy Kids Databases Movies and TV Library Card Required.

Watch a streaming collection of age-appropriate films and TV series selected for kids. Finding the right video is easy using Common Sense Media ratings. Titles selected help children to develop empathy, mindfulness, and self-esteem. Set up a personalized PIN to keep your kids inside Kanopy Kids. 

KCLS App Mobile Apps Library Card Required.

Place holds, manage your account.


Lerner Maker Lab Databases

Learn about science with hands-on activities for children in grades 2-5. Some activities require adult help.


MakeMake Databases eBooks Library Card Required.

Discover authentic children's and teen books and comics in Spanish from Latin America. Access MakeMake 24/7 with your library card and save your favorite books with no limits.

Descubre auténticas libros y cómics en español proveniente de América Latina. Accede a MakeMake 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana con la tarjeta de la biblioteca y marca tus libros favoritos sin límites.

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Mango Languages Databases Education and Training Mobile Apps Library Card Required.

Learn a new language at your own pace. Practice reading, writing, and listening in online lessons. Customize your lessons by choosing the topics that you're interested in. Take your learning with you on your mobile device.


Information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand, from the National Library of Medicine.

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New York Times Databases Magazines and Newspapers

Enjoy access to The New York Times online. Create a free New York Times account and read at any community library location.  

Get a 24-hour access code access code to read outside the library or with The New York Times app.  

Redeem access codes, inside or outside libraries, to access more content: 

How do The New York Times terms of service impact people younger than age 13, including those with student accounts? 

Northstar Education and Training

Build technology skills you can use in school, work and your personal life. Take self-paced lessons and online tests to grow your knowledge.

Novelist Databases Library Card Required.

Find your next reading recommendation. Get read-alikes, books that are similar to another book you like. Research an author or book. Explore themed book lists. Get discussion guides for your book group. Read articles about books and authors.

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OverDrive eBooks for Kids Databases Library Card Required.

Find the right eBook for your kids. Reading is easy on your computer, mobile device, or eReader. Customize the font size, spacing, or use a different font including dyslexic.

Use the Libby app to borrow and read titles from OverDrive. Get Libby in the “View available apps” section below. 


OverDrive eBooks for Teens Databases Library Card Required.

Find your next book on your computer, mobile device, or eReader.

Use the Libby app to borrow and read titles from OverDrive. Get Libby in the “View available apps” section below. 



PressReader.com Databases Magazines and Newspapers Library Card Required.

Read newspapers and magazines from around the world in many languages. Newspapers include up to 3 months of back coverage. Log in* to PressReader to share or print articles.

*You will need to log in to use the site. Even if you're in King County Library System (KCLS) library or connected to KCLS WiFi.

To log in:
1. Click on “Sign in” on the upper right corner of the PressReader site.
2. Select the library card icon.
3. Enter your library card barcode number and PIN.
4. Select King County Library System as your library. You will see a green coffee cup icon on the top left side of the PressReader site when you are logged in. Once logged in you will have 48 hours before needing to sign back in again.

PTSDpubs Databases Library Card Required.

Find articles, reports, and books about PTSD and other effects of trauma. Search for specific symptoms or diagnostic codes.

If you have a disability and find an article you would like to read that is not accessible:

  • The National Center for PTSD will send you a copy that is 508 accessible.
  • Contact ncptsd@va.gov
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Sanborn Maps (Washington State) Databases Library Card Required.

Find large-scale maps of Washington cities and towns. Explore detailed views that show street blocks and building numbers. Maps range from 1867 to 1970.

This service works best using Firefox, Opera, Chrome, or Safari.

Is accessing information on our website difficult using assistive technology such as: 

  • a screen reader, 
  • eye tracking device,
  • voice recognition software, or 
  • other technology? 

If you do and it's difficult for you to use this service, contact Ask KCLS to discuss options.

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Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce Databases Magazines and Newspapers Library Card Required.

Read the latest editions of this daily newspaper online. Stay current on local business, money, and real estate news.


Is accessing information on our website difficult using assistive technology such as:

  • a screen reader, 
  • eye tracking device, 
  • voice recognition software, or
  • other technology?

If you do and it's difficult for you to use this service, contact Ask KCLS to discuss options.

Found In: Available for in-library use only

Student Accounts Library Card Required.

Access to all of the online resources that KCLS offers with a Student Account connected to your student ID.

Study Zone Plus

Connect to homework help and resources online! Students in grades K-12 can work with a tutor or find recharge activities, language and reading support. Connect to Zoom online using your computer, tablet or smartphone. Or, dial in using a home phone or smartphone.





Wall Street Journal Databases Magazines and Newspapers Library Card Required.

The Wall Street Journal is unavailable right now. We are working to restore service.

Access the Wall Street Journal online. Create a free Wall Street Journal account and get a 3-day access code.

3-day codes work at WSJ.com only. Do not share sign-on credentials with any other person.

How do the Wall Street Journal terms of service impact people younger than 15? Including those with student accounts?

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Weiss Financial Ratings Databases Library Card Required.

Plan your financial future with a variety of tools.


  • Information on buying a home, planning for retirement or saving for your child’s education
  • Medigap and insurance planning 
  • Stock, mutual fund, and exchange traded fund portfolio information
  • Financial literacy basics and more
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