KCLS receives 2021 Government Technology Special Districts Award

The King County Library System (KCLS) received a 2021 Government Technology Special Districts Award for Technology Innovation in the Citizens Category.

The Special Districts Awards Program recognizes innovation and leadership within special district agencies across the country. Award recipients may place under one of three categories, including Citizens, Operations or Leadership. KCLS was honored in the Citizens Category, which identifies special districts that have used technology to improve service delivery to citizens.

KCLS has implemented new technologies, services and resources in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These initiatives maintain patron and staff safety, enhance customer service and address digital equity needs that have been magnified by the global health crisis.

KCLS is being recognized for the following achievements:

  • Installing exterior library lockers for contactless 24/7 materials pickup.
  • Delivering laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots to communities in need.
  • Providing videoconferencing technology to support virtual health care needs.

“KCLS strives to ensure that all King County residents have equitable access to information and resources,” stated KCLS Executive Director Lisa Rosenblum. “We thank Government Technology for recognizing our innovative efforts to improve digital equity and meet the changing needs of our communities during this unprecedented time.”

Government Technology and its sister publications are an award-winning family of magazines covering information technology's role in state and local governments. The publications chronicle the unique dynamics of governing in the information age.