Get Text Message Notifications About Your Library Account

You can now opt-in to receive text message notifications about your library account. Get a text message when holds are ready for pick up, items are due back soon, or are overdue. Account notifications are also available by email, phone, and printed mail.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you provide an email address, you will automatically get email notifications.

    If you don’t provide an email address, you will get notifications by phone.

    If you provide neither an email address nor a phone number, you will get print notifications by mail.

  • Contact Ask KCLS or staff at your library. You cannot directly manage your notification settings online. We're exploring ways to offer this option.

  • You can receive account notifications by email, text, phone, or printed mail message. You’re automatically enrolled in some notifications when you sign up for a library card. Learn how to manage your notification preferences.


    Get notified when:

    • Holds are ready for pickup, expired, or canceled
    • Items are due in 2 days
    • Items are overdue

    Email notices contain detailed information about account activity, including titles and due dates.


    Get notified when:

    • Holds are ready for pickup
    • Items are overdue

    Phone notifications are brief and do not include title information.

    Print Mail

    Get notified when:

    • Holds are ready for pickup
    • Items are overdue

    Print notices contain detailed information about account activity, including titles and due dates. Please note that due to the nature of print mail, notices via this method are not as timely.

    Text/Short Message Service (SMS)

    Get notified when:

    • Holds are ready for pickup
    • Items are due in 2 days
    • Items are overdue

    Text notifications briefly summarize account activity and do not include title information.