I Have a Dog and His Name is Rags

I have a dog and his name is Rags, (point to self)
He eats so much that his tummy sags, (put hands together in front of tummy)
His ears flip flop & his tail wig wags (bend hand at wrist; “flop” & “wag”)
And when he walks he zig, zig, zags! (make “Z’s” with finger)

Longer Version:
I have a dog and his name is Rags.
He eats so much that his tummy sags. (hands in front of tummy)
His ears flip flop, and his tail wig wags. (flop hands by ears and wag tail)
And when he walks he goes zig-zag. (criss cross arms in front of you)
He goes flip flop, wig wag, zig zag
He goes flip flop, wig wag, zig zag
He goes flip flop, wig wag, zig zag
I love Rags and he loves me.
My dog Rags, he loves to play.
He rolls around in the mud all day. (roll hands)
I whistle and I whistle but he won’t obey.
He always runs the other way! (point somewhere)
Chorus (with gusto!)