Apples and Bananas

I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas.

Then change all the vowel sounds to the same long vowel sounds:

I like to ate ate ate ay-ples and bay-nay-nays.
I like to eet eet eet ee-ples and bee-nee-nees.
I like to ite, ite, ite, i-ples and by-ny-nys.
I like to ote ote ote oh-ples and bo-no-nos.
I like to ute ute ute uupples and bu-nu-nus.

You can also try it with short vowel sounds. 


With American Sign Language:
I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas. (Use the ASL signs for "eat," "apple," and "banana")
I like to drink, drink, drink, milk and water. (Use the ASL signs for"drink," "milk," and "water")
I'd like more, more, more, please and thank you. (Use the ASL signs for "more," "please," and "thank you")
All done! (Use the ASL signs for "all done")
You can also replace the foods in the song with your child's favorites!

I Like to Eat:
I like to eat. I like to eat.
I like to eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat. I like to eat.
I like to eat, eat apples and bananas.
Ask the children what they like to eat and sing those!

I Like to Cook:
I like to cook. I like to cook.
I like to cook, cook apples and bananas
I like to cook. I like to cook.
I like to cook, cook apples and bananas
Ask the children what they like to cook (make) and sing those!