BiblioCommons is updating the way books and other items are displayed in our catalog. Learn more about the changes coming on July 6.
What's Improved
- Larger cover image.
- Clearer display of titles.
- Easier to read summary.
- See the number of ratings that are combined to make the average rating.
- A clearer, mobile-friendly way for you to add your own ratings.
Simple Shelves
- Adding and managing items is simpler with clear and easy to understand menus.
The Format Chooser
- Updated to focus on availability.
- Mobile users will see an improved format chooser.
- A 'more editions' menu to make it easier to see multiple editions of titles in the same format.
In the Same Series
- See titles in the same series front and center.
- See up to three titles in the same series in the About section.
- Additional titles in the full series display.
Relevant Recommendations
- Recommendations are highlighted, getting you to your next great read.