Opened: May 2001
- Designed by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
- 15,000 square feet
- 1908: Issaquah's first public library opens in the back of Enos Guss's barbershop on Front Street; Odd Fellows Hall fundraiser builds collection of 40 books
- 1946: Kiwanis Club lobbies KCLS to contract with City for library service; Library opens at Town Hall, which later became the Issaquah Town Hall Museum
- 1963: Bond measure funds move into remodeled school cafeteria
- 1983: Library moves to a building on Memorial Field
- 1990: KCLS annexation
- 1996: Bond measure funds construction of a new library
- 2001: Opening of new, 15,000-square-foot library at the corner of Front Street and Sunset Way
- 2009: Completion of Capital Bond Project improvements
Friends of the Issaquah Library
- Dues: Individual, $10; Family, $20
- Book Sales: Ongoing sale in library lobby; Biannual book sales, in spring and fall
- Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm
- Website, opens a new window