For immigrants, refugees, and new arrivals. Connect to the people and resources in the area you live.
Ask a Welcoming Ambassador
Are you an immigrant, refugee or new to the community and need help finding resources? Connect with a Welcoming Ambassador. Welcoming Ambassadors are friendly people who can help you find information and services.
Ambassadors can help with:
- Basic services (food, clothing or housing resources)
- Education
- Employment
- Health
- Immigration and legal matters
- Library resources and services
- Social or religious connections
- Voter information
Get Help from an Ambassador by Email
Complete the form below to tell us what you need.
We can reply in English and may be able to respond in other languages.
Visit an ambassador in person
Meet with an ambassador during drop-in sessions at a library.
Check the schedule below for dates and times.

Get a Free Consultation with an Immigration Lawyer
Meet with an immigration attorney online or by phone. Call to schedule a free, one-hour consultation.
Attorneys cannot represent clients, but can make referrals.
You must make an appointment to use this service.
The Eastside Legal Assistance Program (ELAP) provides this service.
To find out if you qualify for help and schedule an appointment:
Call ELAP at (425) 747-7274. Translation services are available over the phone.
Know Your Rights
Learn about immigrant rights from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Visit their website to print cards you can carry in a wallet.
Find additional resources and trainings from:
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network
Prepare for the U.S. Citizenship Test
Find books, study materials, and classes to help you become a U.S. citizen.
Learn English
Find books, classes, and online resources to help you learn English.
Find Resources and Services in Many Languages
Find materials in many languages at a library near you.
Get an interpreter in your language for library service. American Sign Language is available at some locations. Ask staff for Language Line.
Read newspapers from around the world. Get the news in many languages. Stay current with full editions online. Log in to PressReader with your library card.
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