KCLS Reel Fest
A film contest with cash prizes
Film Premiere and Awards Show
Watch the top 10 films, and hear from the filmmakers and expert panel of judges!
KCLS Reel Fest Winners!
Youth Category Winners (ages 17 and younger)
- 1st Place ($1,000): Safir Azam, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid Doodles” (Lake Hills Library)
- 2nd Place $700): Aidan Springer, “Treehouse” (Newport Way Library)
- 3rd Place ($500): Matthew Perry and Andrew Schmidt, “The Chronicles of KCLS” (Newport Way Library)
- Janet Chang, “My Library Story” (Newport Way Library)
- Carmina Cruz, “Libraries Don’t Just Equal Books” (Covington Library)
Adult Category Winners (ages 18 and older)
- 1st Place ($1,000): Amye Bronson-Doherty, “KCLS on the Road” (Federal Way Library)
- 2nd Place ($700): Alexander Tsway, “Ozzy in Space” (Bellevue Library)
- 3rd Place ($500): Arthur Klepchukov, “Aisles of Ideas” (Shoreline Library)
- Whitney King, “First Stop the Library” (Renton Highlands Library)
- Alicia Wengreen, “Blue, Grey, Kaleidoscope Play” (Auburn Library)
Congratulations to all of the KCLS Reel Fest winners and finalists, and thanks to everyone who submitted a film!
Cash prizes generously provided by the KCLS Foundation.
We Asked, You Answered!
In October 2019, we asked KCLS patrons to show us what the library meant to them in a two-minute film. We received an impressive outpouring of heartfelt library stories. We were all set to premiere the finalists’ films and announce the winners at an awards show in March 2020. But when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, we had to postpone the event.
We had high hopes that we’d be able to share the films in person later this year, but it still isn’t safe to gather in groups. So, we brought the KCLS Reel Fest Film Premiere and Awards Show to the public online!
Frequently Asked Questions
KCLS Reel Fest has been made possible with support from the King County Library System Foundation.