Kindle eBook Return Options Have Changed

You can no longer return Kindle eBooks in our catalog, KCLS app, Libby app, or OverDrive site. Even if you don't use Kindle, clicking the “Read now with Kindle” button when you open an eBook can prevent returns. You may be unable to return digital magazines. 

All eBooks return on the due date and there are no late fines, so it's ok to wait for them to expire.

How do I return a Kindle eBook?

You can only return Kindle eBooks early on, a Kindle eReader, or the Kindle app. Follow these instructions from OverDrive to return Kindle eBooks. BiblioCommons is the company that built our catalog and app. We're working with them to help make this change more clear.

Why can't I return Kindle eBooks in the catalog, KCLS app, Libby app, or OverDrive anymore?

OverDrive recently made some changes. They removed the ability to return Kindle eBooks early on Libby and our OverDrive site. They did this to fix an issue where Kindle loans could appear out-of-sync with Amazon's systems. Doing so also removed the ability to return Kindle eBooks early in our catalog and KCLS app.

I don't use Kindle. Why can't I return my eBook in the catalog, KCLS app, Libby app, or OverDrive?

You might have clicked the 'Read now with Kindle" button when you accessed the eBook.

If you check out an eBook and click the "Read now in browser" button when you access the title, you will be able to return it.

If you click the “Read now with Kindle” button when you access the title, you won't be able to return it. When you click the "Read now with Kindle" button, you go to an Amazon login screen to access the title. Even if you clicked the button by accident and didn't log in, you won't be able to return the title. Clicking the "Read now on Kindle" button is enough to block the return.

I checked out a digital magazine. Why is it still on my account after I've returned it in the catalog or KCLS app?

The company that built our catalog and app is looking into it, but we don't know why this is happening yet. Try returning the magazine on OverDrive or Libby.

Need more help?

Contact us.

We will update this post when we have more information from BiblioCommons to share.