Introducing the FAQ Chatbot

Our website has many FAQs to help you know how to use our services. But sometimes it can be hard to find the FAQ that answers your question. To help you get to the right answer faster, we're adding a chatbot to the website on December 3. Find out how the chatbot works.

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is when you see a chat icon on a website. You can type in a question, and the chatbot will use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to try and give you an answer. If you use Bank of America or Alaska Airlines, you may have used a chatbot to "talk" with their virtual assistants. 

Chatbot window. Chatbot asks: What do you want to know about using the library? Ask questions about our services. I can answer frequently asked questions. Library user asks: donde estan los casilleros. Chatbot answers: Puede seleccionar las taquillas de Bothelle o Covington como ubicación de recogida.

Am I chatting with a real person? 

No, the AI is matching your question with a database of questions and answers. We do have a staff member reviewing reports to find out how well the chatbot is answering your questions. We'll be updating our FAQs to make the answers more accurate, relevant, and helpful.

What about my privacy?

The chatbot is not attached to your account. When looking at reports we can't see who asked a question. We see:

  • The question.
  • The answer.
  • If the AI thought it gave the correct answer or not.

What kinds of questions can I ask? 

The chatbot can answer FAQ questions like: 

  • Where are the lockers?
  • Can I bring in donations?
  • Can I use the library Wi-Fi?
  • What's the phone number for the Bellevue Library?
  • Can I book a meeting room?
  • Do I need to wear a mask?

The chatbot is not connected to the online catalog or your account. You'll still need to log in to the website or through our KCLS or myLIBRO apps to manage your account.

Can I ask questions in other languages?

Yes! The chatbot recognizes over 40 languages. It searches our answers, then translates the answer into the language it has identified. If you need to switch languages, refresh the page before asking your next question.

What if I need other accommodations? 

The FAQ database is also available through voice. It works with Google Assistant or Alexa. Use one of these prompts.

  • Hey Google, ask King County Library your questions.
  • Alexa, launch King County Library. The chatbot will open and you'll be prompted to ask your question. 

This pilot project has been generously funded by the KCLS Foundation

Updated: October 22, November 30, December 2, December 3, April 28