Introducing Expanded Search Results

Do you like it when a recommendation matches your interests? A new feature is coming to the online catalog on October 12. Find out what to expect with this change.

What will be different? 

You'll find recommendations from the website as well as items from the catalog. 

What's an expanded search result?

An expanded search result highlights library resources like: 

  • Events,
  • Booklists,
  • Online resources,
  • Services, and
  • Blog posts.

Do I need to log in to my account? 

No, you don't need to log in to your account to see expanded search results. This feature does not use your personal search history or borrowing activities like: 

  • Holds,
  • Checkouts, and
  • Borrowing history.

What data is being collected? Are you protecting my privacy? 

KCLS uses software provided by BiblioCommons to provide the catalog and website experience. We are partnering with BiblioCommons on this new service. We are collecting anonymized data about how you use promoted content. The data will be used for the Machine Learning portion of the pilot. This data will be used to influence which content displays to you and other users. This data will be used to influence which content displays to you and other users. Learn more about their handling of your data from the footer of any page. 

The Machine Learning portion of this feature was turned off on January 3 when the pilot ended. 

Can I opt out of expanded search? 

Not now. This suggestion has been shared with BiblioCommons. They will consider adding it in future iterations. 

Where do I find expanded search results? 

At first, only 10% of catalog users will see expanded search results. You can look for them when you're searching the catalog. They will appear after the second or third search result.

How do you choose what I see? 

Expanded search results are:

  • Related to your search terms.
  • Related to items returned in search results. For example, a booklist contains a title that is in your search results. 
  • Chosen to be featured by staff.
  • Associated with your preferred locations (when logged in) 
    • This feature was turned off on January 3 when the Machine Learning pilot ended.
  • Personalized, based on your or others' activity. (when logged in)
    • This feature was turned off on January 3 when Machine Learning pilot ended. 

Why are you adding expanded search results? 

Our goal is to increase your awareness of everything we have to offer.  

This is a pilot project funded by the KCLS Foundation. BiblioCommons, our catalog vendor, is developing machine learning. 

The machine learning portion of the pilot ended on January 3. 

Can I provide feedback? 

Yes, we'd love to hear from you. 

Updated: January 5, 2022