Earn a High School Diploma with Career Online High School

Earn an accredited high school diploma. Gain real-world career skills to prepare for your first job or advance in your current job. Complete coursework to develop the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for.
Career Online High School (COHS) is an online learning platform for adults. With COHS, you can earn:
  • Nationally accredited high school diplomas
  • Career certificates
  • Transfer credits
COHS also offers personalized support from academic coaches and certified instructors. Learn who can enroll in COHS and how to get started.


To enroll in COHS, learners must meet the following requirements:
  • 20 years of age or older.
  • 6th grade-level English proficiency.
  • 8-10 hours per week commitment to coursework, for 12-18 months.
  • Have or get a King County Library System card.
  • You must live or own property in our service area to use Career Online High School. Our service area includes all of King County except for Seattle, Yarrow Point, and Hunts Point.


  1. Learn about the program. Go to the Career Online High School website.              
  2. Take a short online survey. Complete the "Are You Ready?" survey on the Career Online High School website. The survey will ask you about your access to a computer and how much time you can spend on courses. You'll also need to answer an essay question. If you meet the requirements, we will send you an automated reply when you submit the survey. This message will include information and links to continue onto the pre-requisite course. You will have two weeks from the time you complete the survey to complete the course. If you don't meet the requirements, we will help you find other programs that support your goals. 
  3. Complete a prerequisite course. Select a career path and enroll in a prerequisite course.
    During the prerequisite course, you will explore the online learning environment. This will help you know whether you are comfortable with it. You will find out if the program will meet your needs or if other options to complete high school are better for you. You will figure out if the career field is interesting and appealing. You will also show your commitment to completing the full program. To pass the course, you need to score 70% or higher. You must complete the course within 2 weeks of starting it.          
  4. Enroll in the full program. We will contact you after you've completed the prerequisite course. We’ll schedule an interview and discuss enrolling you in the full program.


Email onlinehighschool@kcls.org with any questions or comments.