Connection Café Series

by Vicki

"I came to the Art of Listening workshop at the library tonight because the country is so polarized right now. Everybody is talking, but nobody is listening. If we can learn how to stop, take a breath, and truly, deeply listen to each other, we might have a chance. I feel like this is the key to moving forward." 

" I want a better relationship with my child."

"I feel like no one ever listens to me, so I'm hoping to share this information with the people I care about, so they can be better listeners."

Presenter Marcia McReynolds, co-manager of City of Bellevue’s Neighbor Mediation Program, tells the room that skillful listening is a practiced art - one of presence and empathy. One attendee bravely shared a story of conflict within her marriage in front of the room. Through the art of listening, Marcia was able to ask open- ended questions that led the wife to greater empathy and understanding towards her husband. Listening may not entirely solve their problem, but it will deepen their connection.

Some quick things you can do immediately to become a better listener is:

  • Decide to listen
  • Become present
  • Become aware of your body language, while you're listening
  • Allow for silence
  • Reflect back to the speaker what you heard
  • Ask questions to help you each understand.

The Art of Listening was just one program in our Connection Cafe series - a program a month designed to provide perspective and communication skills that will help build relationships in your life. Join us for these upcoming workshops:

  • Thursday, March 15, 6:30pm - Resiliency Skills: Learn techniques to build inner strength and optimism that will help you weather life's storms.
  • Thursday, April 19, 6:30pm -  Cross Cultural Communication: Understand and communicate more effectively with people from other cultures, particularly between "I and We cultures. 
  • Thursday, May 17, 6:30pm - Challenging Conversations: Develop a tool kit of skills to employ when discussing difficult topics or differences of opinion.