Catalog Search Results Have Increased to 20 Groups on Each Page

BiblioCommons is the company that provides our online catalog. They have given us the option to add a new catalog feature. On June 12, the number of search results on each page of the grouped search view will increase from 10 to 20. Find out what to expect.

What is grouped search?

Grouped search is the default view of search results in our catalog. In grouped search results, all formats of a title display together in one entry.


Search for "colleen hoover" in the grouped search view. eBook and print versions of Never Never display in one search result.

How many search results display in grouped search now?

Currently, you can browse up to 10 search results per page.

The search toolbar displays the result count of "1 to 10" of the total results. You can use the arrows to scroll to the next page of results.

Go to the top right of any results page to find the number of results per page, total results, and arrow controls. For this sample search, the search toolbar displays "1 of 10" of 38 total results.

How will this new feature change grouped search?

You will be able to browse more search results at a time. You will be able to find up to 20 results per page.

The search toolbar will display the result count of "1 to 20" of the total results. You will still be able to use the arrows to scroll to the next page of results. (Screenshot from BiblioCommons.)

The number of results per page will increase from 10 to 20. For this sample search, the search toolbar displays "1 of 20" of 44 total results.

Why is BiblioCommons increasing the number of search results per page?

They are increasing the number of results to make it easier to find and evaluate titles of interest. This can be especially helpful when searching by subject, genre, or author.

What isn't changing?

The overall design of the grouped search results page isn't changing.

The ungrouped list and cover views are not changing. These views will continue to display 25 results on each page.

Only the number of results that you can browse per page in grouped search will change.

What happens if we don't make this change?

You will not be able to browse more than 10 results at a time in the grouped search view. You'll need to use the page controls more to load pages when browsing long lists of results.


We hope this change helps make it easier to find items to borrow. Need help using the catalog? Contact Ask KCLS.

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