Do I need to create a Brainfuse account to get help from a tutor?

No. You don't need a Brainfuse account to get help from a tutor. Log in to Brainfuse with your library account to use this service as a guest.

Create a free Brainfuse account to save your sessions or use other features such as Writing Lab.

Can I...? Guest Account (log in with library account) Brainfuse Account (log in with library account and Brainfuse account)
Get help from a tutor at a live tutoring session Yes Yes
Save tutoring sessions to refer to later No Yes
Browse the SkillSurfer Yes Yes
Access the Writing Lab No Yes
Take practice quizzes No Yes
Use customized study plans, lessons, and live tutoring in LEAP No Yes
Create and share flashcards, tests, and games in FlashBulb No Yes

Versión en español: ¿Necesito crear una cuenta de Brainfuse para recibir ayuda de un tutor?