When Cold Winds Blow

When cold winds blow, (hands & arms side to side, whooshing noises)
And we shall have snow, (fingers drifting downwards for snow)
What will the robin do then? Poor thing! (hands upward, questioning)
He'll sit in the barn, (settle self in seat)
And keep himself warm,
By hiding his head, (duck head)
Under his wing! (cover head with arm)
Version 2:
When cold winds blow, (hands and arms side to side, whooshing noises)
And we shall have snow, (fingers drifting downwards for snow)
The thing that I like best, (point to self)
Is to crawl into bed, (mime crawling into bed)
And cover up my head, (cover head with hands)
And sleep as warm as toast! (sleep on hands, snoring)