We’re Going on a Santa Hunt

We're going on a Santa hunt.  We can't wait to see him!
It's a beautiful night, and we're dressed really warm.  (put on hats, gloves, boots)
Oh, no!  There's a lake, an icy, frozen lake.  We can't go over it, we can't go under it,
We've got to go across it.  Put on your skates (skate, skate, skate, skate).
We're going on a Santa hunt. . . . .
Oh, no!  A snowstorm.  A whirling, swirling snowstorm.  We can't go over it, we can't go under it,
We've got to go through it.  (Whooooh, whoooh, whoooh, whoooh.)
We're going on a Santa hunt. . . .
Oh, no!  A herd of reindeer.  Big reindeer, with bells around their necks.  We can't go over them,
we can't go under them.  We've got to go through.  (Jingle, jangle, jingle, jangle).
We're going on a Santa hunt...
Oh, no!  A cave.  A dark, narrow cave.  We can't go over it, we can't go under it,
We've got to go through it.   (Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.)
What's that at the back of the cave?  Lots of white fur, little black eyes, sharp teeth.
Is it Santa?  No!  It's!  A!  Polar!  Bear!!
Back through the cave, back through the reindeer, back through the snowstorm, back across the lake.
We aren't going on a Santa hunt again!
See also: We're Going On A Bear Hunt