Tom Thumb

Begin rhyme standing up; rhyme ends with sitting down again.
Here is Tom Thumb. (hold up thumb)
Here is his house. (arms over head to form peaked roof)
These are his windows, (hands curved into circles around eyes)
And this is Squeaky, his mouse. (hold up index finger, crooked; make squeaking noises)

Early one morning (raise arms over head in curve for sun)
The sun began to shine. (hold crooked index finger up)
Squeaky mouse sat up in bed
And counted to nine. (count on fingers)

Then squeaky gave a jump— (finger “jumps” onto other arm)
Right into Tom Thumb’s bed!
And he ran up his arm (run finger up arm)
And sat on his head. (put fist with crooked finger on head)

Squeaky pulled his hair (pull hair)
Squeaky tweaked his nose (tweak nose)
Until Tom Thumb sat up in bed (mime waking up, stretching)
And put on all his clothes (pretend to put on clothes, shoes)

Then they sat down to breakfast (sit down)
And ate some crusty bread (fingers and thumbs open & close like jaws)
And when they were finished, (hands in lap)
Tom Thumb said, _______________ (e.g., “lets read a story”)