There Once Was a Hand

There was once a hand. (show hand)
He was very proud because he could do so many things.
He could point. (point)
He could say “stop”. (hold up hand palm outward)
He could scratch himself. (one finger scratches another)
He could say “come here”. (beckon)
He could say "goodbye". (wave)
He could shake himself. (shake your hand with fingers relaxed)
He could scold. (shake a finger)
He could be tough. (make a fist)
But he was very sad (fold fingers down in a droop) because he couldn’t make any noise.
Then the ring finger told the thumb about a noise the first three fingers could make. (snap your fingers)
But the hand was still not satisfied.
Then one day the hand met another hand. (bring other hand up to audience)
They discovered that they could make a noise together. (clap hands)
It takes two hands to clap! (clap!)

-Adapted from Sesame Street