One Little, Two Little, Three Little…

Use this tune to sing about all kinds of things. Just match it to whatever you want to sing about. An example would be:

One little, two little, three little ___
Four little, five little, six little ___
Seven little, eight little, nine little ___
Ten little ___ (make up your own ending)

  • One little, two little, three little Octopuses...
  • One little, two little, three little Rainbows...Ten little Rainbows, in the sky.
  • One little, two little, three little Alligators...Ten little alligators hatch from eggs.
    Count backwards: Ten little, nine little, eight little alligators...One little alligator swims away.
    Props: 10 plastic egg containers, 10 images of alligators to put inside egg containers
  • One little, two little, three little Cookies...Ten little cookies with milk (form hands around a big glass of milk and drink!)
    Count backwards: Ten little, nine little, eight little cookies...One little cookie with tea (sip from your tea cup with your pinkie finger already extended).
  • One little, two little, three little Moles...Ten little moles digging holes in the ground.
  • One little, two little, three little Bunny Rabbits...Hop them all over before singing backwards
    Hopping, hopping, hopping bunny rabbits (repeat 2x)
    10 little bunny rabbits hop to bed.  (curl up and pretend to sleep)
    Sung softly:
    Sleeping, sleeping, sleeping bunny rabbits (repeat 2x)
    10 little bunny rabbits sound asleep.
        spoken: Wake up, bunny rabbits!
    Repeat first verse (One littletwo little,... 10 little bunny rabbits hop hop hop), then end by counting back down from 10:
    Ten little, nine little....  One little bunny rabbit sits back down!
  • (use fingers as you sing, counting to 10 & then back down to 1 again)
    1 little, 2 little, 3 little dinosaurs,
    4 little, 5 little, 6 little dinosaurs,
    7 little, 8 little, 9 little dinosaurs,
    10 little dinosaurs...
    ie - Frogs...go ribbit-ribbit-ribbit
                 --- leap, leap, leap