I Hear Thunder

Tune:  Frere Jacques
I hear thunder, I hear thunder, (hands cupping ear)
Hark don’t you? Hark don’t you?
Pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops, (wiggle fingers)
I’m wet through, so are you!
I see blue skies, I see blue skies, (hand shading eyes)
Way up high, way up high. (point up)
Hurry up the sunshine, hurry up the sunshine,
We’ll soon dry, we’ll soon dry! (shake arms)

Alternate version:

I hear thunder,
I hear thunder, (drum with hands or feet)
Hark don’t you?
Hark don’t you? (hand  behind ear to listen)
Pitter patter raindrops,
Pitter patter raindrops, (flutter hands down)
I’m wet through,
I'm wet through.  (shake  hands)
I see blue skies,
I see blue skies, (look up to the sky)
Way up high,
Way up high. (reach way up high)
Hurry up the sunshine,
Hurry up the sunshine, (roll  hands in front of chest)
We’ll soon dry,
We’ll soon dry ! (sweep hands back and forth to dry)