Gray Squirrel, Gray Squirrel
Swish your bushy tail.
Gray Squirrel, Gray Squirrel
Swish your bushy tail.
Wrinkle up your funny nose.
Put a nut between your toes.
Gray Squirrel, Gray Squirrel
Swish your bushy tail.
Shake Your Bushy Tail
Squirrel, squirrel, shake your bushy tail.
Squirrel, squirrel, shake your bushy tail.
Wrinkle up your funny nose,
Hold an acorn ‘tween your toes.
Squirrel, squirrel, shake your bushy tail.
Green frog, green frog, hopping in the pond (jump, or lift baby high)
Green frog, green frog, hopping in the pond
Stick your tongue out, catch a fly (stick tongue out; make grabbing motion)
Watch the fish go swimming by (move hand in wavy motion)
Green frog, green frog, hopping in the pond!
Blue bird, blue bird, spread your wings and fly (flap arms)
Blue bird, blue bird, spread your wings and fly
Wake up early, catch a bug (clap)
Give your chicks a great big hug
Blue bird, blue bird, spread your wings and fly!
For another tune, see CD 1, 2, 3--Sing With Me!, opens a new window by MaryLee Sunseri.