Chinese – A Little Star 小星星

小星星找呀找呀… 你好! 圆形,你是我丢的那个角吗?让我试试吧!

小星星找呀找呀… 你好! 三角形,你是我丢的那个角吗?让我试试吧!

小星星找呀找呀… 你好! 椭圆形,你是我丢的那个角吗?让我试试吧!


A little star accidentally lost one of its horns! The little star is going to find its missing horn.
The little star is looking around ... Hello! Round, are you the horn I lost? Let me try it!
Is it round, right? It's not right.

The little star is looking around ... Hello! Triangle, are you the corner I lost? Let me try it!
Is the triangle, right? It's not right.

The little star is looking around … Hello! Oval, are you the corner I lost? Let me try it!
Is it oval, right? It's not right.

Hello, little star! Hello, diamond, are you the horn I lost? Let me try it!
Diamond, right? correct! The little star finally found his lost horn, and from then on, there was another sparkling little star in the sky!