At the Zoo

At the zoo we saw a bear (shade eyes, then look surprised)
with great big paws and shaggy hair (raise hands like claws, touch hair)
At the zoo a zebra we found (shade eyes, then look surprised)
with black and white stripes all around (hands criss-cross in front of body)
At the zoo, a giraffe so tall (reach arms overhead)
It could look right over the top of the wall (hands at eye level, lower them under chin)
We saw a lion in a cage (hold arms/hands in front of self)
he was roaring in an awful rage
At the zoo, the monkeys run (run in place)
and jump and swing and have lots of fun (jump, swing arms)
But my favorite animal at the zoo
is the elephant - how about you?
be used with felt board at the same time. Ask children about their favorite zoo animals and/or place felt figures on the flannel board and name/discuss them, opens a new window