Amharic – The Wheels On The Bus የአውቶቡሱ ጎማ መዝሙር

በአውቶቡሱ ላይ ያሉት መንኮራኩሮች ይሽከረከራሉ እና በአውቶቡሱ ላይ ባለው በር ይከፈታሉ እና በአውቶቡስ ውስጥ መብራቶቹን ይዘጋሉ ፣ በአውቶቡሱ ላይ ያለው ቀንድ ቀኑን ሙሉ ቢፕ ቢፕ ያሰማል።

The wheels on the bus goes round and round the door on the bus goes open and shut the lights in the bus goes on and off, the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep all day long.