Celebrate National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month

Join us as we celebrate Hispanic and Latinx heritage.

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Thanks for joining us for National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month this fall. Find other programs for adults, kids, and teens.

Staff Picks

Browse our list of fiction and nonfiction titles for all ages.

Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month Reads

Let's celebrate writers and artists who tell stories about Latinx and Hispanic heritage. Check out books impactful to today's culture.

In Our Community

Take part in celebrations organized by other agencies throughout King County.


Fiestas Patrias

Hosted by Sea Mar in Seattle.

Honor the independence of many Latin American countries. Enjoy live music, a health fair, food, and children’s activities.


MEXAM Northwest Festival

Hosted by The Consulate of Mexico in Seattle and other local partners.

Celebrate contemporary Mexican and Mexican-American culture. Enjoy live music, stories, and more.

About National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month (NHHM) started in 1968 with President Lyndon Johnson's support. In Spanish, we call it Mes de la Herencia Hispana.

We celebrate NHHM in the U.S. between September 15 and October 15. During NHHM, we acknowledge the diverse contributions of Latinos and Latinx to the U.S.

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