Contact us

Need help with your account? Have questions about borrowing? Ask questions or get help. Call, email, or chat with us.

Talk to Us on the Phone

Get help with your account and using our services.

Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 12-5pm

(425) 462-9600 or (800) 462-9600 (in Washington State)


Contact your library.

Find your library's phone number and hours on its location page. (Hours vary by library.)

Chat With Us

Get help with your account. Ask us about library services.

Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday 11am-8pm
Wednesday 11am-8pm
Thursday 10am-6pm
Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday 11am-6pm
Sunday 12pm-5pm

Chat during other hours is staffed by partner libraries.

We provide up to 20 minutes of live chat service. We do not provide legal or medical advice.

Single Button Module

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Request an Accommodation

Read our Accessibility Statement.

Did you encounter a barrier when you were trying to use our website? Is accessing information on our website difficult using assistive technology such as:

  • a screen reader
  • eye tracking device
  • voice recognition software, or
  • other technology?

Contact Ask KCLS staff to report the issue so we can improve our website. Call, email, or chat with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

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